Chapter 4
Free from Sin’s Penalty and Power - Part 2
1. “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
2. “God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
3. “Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
4. “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from
the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
5. “For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:
6. “Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” - Romans
Romans 6:1-4
The entire sixth chapter of Romans is against the false gospel of carnal Christianity. Having previously considered
the question in verse 1: “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?”-verse 2 tells us no, that we
who are saved have died to sin and live no longer in it, because in His salvation the Son has made us free from sin and its
reigning power. In verse 3 we read that in salvation we were baptized by the Holy Spirit into Jesus Christ-that is, we were
put into Christ, and therefore were baptized (or put) into His death. You see, all that Christ our Lord as our Substitute
did in His death, has become ours, for we were in Him at the cross. When we were saved by His grace, all of the benefits that
came out of His obedience unto death became ours. This is what God does for every soul whom He saves.
In verse 4 we read that since this has happened, we were buried by baptism into His death (or put into His death)
that as Christ was raised up from the dead by the power of the Father, even so we have been raised up with Him to walk in
newness of life. Therefore sin no longer has dominion over us because we died to sin, even as Christ died to our sin which
He bore in His own body on the tree (vv. 9,10).
These truths from Romans can only be understood by the revealing power of God’s Spirit; but oh my beloved, if
God be pleased to reveal them unto our hearts by His Spirit, what a wealth of spiritual truth we have here! What gold of His
grace has been poured out upon us! You see, what the Holy Spirit is telling us is this: we have been made one in Christ.
As Christ died under our sins, so we have died to these same sins; and they no longer have dominion over us, the reigning
power of sin having been broken.
Romans 6:5
In verse 5 we have again the plain statement of the believer’s union with Christ in the words, “planted
together.” What the Holy Spirit is telling us here (which to me drives another nail in the coffin of the false gospel
of carnal Christianity) is this: Since we have been planted together in Christ’s death, we are planted together in
His resurrection. Oh, that we would take our Bibles and read what God has done for and given to us in Christ in salvation!
There we will find that all the benefits which we have received from being identified with Him in death are made sure to
us by the power of His resurrection; and this leaves us no loop holes in the positive salvation which is given to us in Christ
Jesus the Lord!
But there is yet another great truth brought out in this 5th verse: Being planted together, then we shall bring
forth our fruit unto holiness (v 22), for we are united to Christ in that vital union of oneness. If you would compare
this with John 15:5 where our Lord said, “I am the vine, ye are the branches,” you can see this same truth of
identification with Christ in that vital union of oneness; and if we are united to Him in oneness, then as He is now
in heaven, so are we upon this earth as we walk as pilgrims and strangers on the road toward glory. Therefore as a good tree,
we shall bring forth good fruit, according to Matthew 7:18. Read this verse carefully, and we find that “a good tree
cannot bring forth evil fruit.” Why? Because it is identified with Christ, the smitten One, in death to sin and resurrection
to (or newness of) life that brings forth fruit unto holiness.
My friend, have you ever noticed that word “cannot” in Matthew 7:18? The good tree, which represents the
born-again child of God (one who is accepted in Christ and joined to Him in the oneness of faith in salvation), cannot
bring forth evil fruit! Why? Because the good fruit of the Holy Spirit is brought forth by the life of Christ in us! Oh, my
fellow believer, this speaks of our position in Christ. Yes, these Scriptures are blessed to me, for they tell me that
since I have been identified with Christ in His death and resurrection, then I will also, by virtue of His life in me, now
be enabled to walk in newness of life with the power of sin broken, bringing forth fruit unto holiness, as God by His Spirit
changes me from glory to glory into the likeness of Christ!
Romans 6:6
We come now to verse 6 of this 6th chapter of Romans which reads: “Knowing this, that our old man is
crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” We will look
first at the expression, “Knowing this”; and this to me drives another nail into the coffin of the false gospel
of carnal Christianity. How?-By the teaching of the Holy Spirit when one is under conviction. You see, He is saying here that
this is something which we should all know, that is, all of us who claim to be saved. This is something with which we should
be familiar, something concerning which we should have an absolute certainty; therefore the Holy Spirit says, “knowing
I hear you asking the question, “What should we know?” This: that we died to sin in the death of Christ,
and have been raised in His resurrection power to walk in newness of life; therefore we have become new creatures in Christ.
Do you know this? Do you always live in the light of this knowledge? Is this something of which you are absolutely certain?
You should be, if you are saved, because this is an essential, vital part of our salvation. Now we have the power to put off
the former behavior of the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and to put on the new man which after
God is created in righteousness and true holiness (Eph 4:22-24). Yes, because the power of sin is broken, we can obey these
commands to no longer serve sin. Perfectly? Oh, I wish it were so! This is what the child of God longs for, because he despises
sin. But in salvation we learn from God’s Word and accept by faith that this is our position in Christ-He’s freed
us from the reign and power of sin!
The Holy Spirit Teaches Us
Why then does the majority of Christendom not know this deliverance from the power and penalty of sin? Why
are they walking in the flesh and not in the Spirit? Why is every excuse given for the old flesh and the false gospel of carnal
Christianity? My friend, the answer is because they have missed Holy Spirit conviction; for if they had ever been under Holy
Spirit conviction, they would have known the bondage of sin and, therefore, deliverance from it. They would have been taught
by the Holy Spirit in conviction the things that are so humbling to the flesh.
And what are these things that He teaches which are so humbling to the flesh? (1) That you and I are destitute of
any righteousness or good works that the Lord will accept (Isa 64:6). (2) That in our flesh there dwelleth no good thing (Rom
7:18). (3) That you and I are by nature vile, wretched sinners before God (Job 40:4; Rev 3:17). (4) That you and I are destitute
of any spiritual wisdom (Rom 3:11), therefore full of vanity and pride (Psalm 39:5). (5) That we are destitute of any spiritual
strength (Rom 5:6), therefore unable to do anything good of or from ourselves (John 15:5). (6) That you and I are destitute
of freedom (Isa 61:1), therefore sold under sin (Rom 7:14).
Further we are taught that we are the bondslaves of our lusts (Titus 3:3), walking after the counsel of the devil
who takes us captive at his will (II Tim 2:26) because we are by nature of our father, the devil (John 8:44). This is what
God shows us under conviction, and with this knowledge we are humbled before God in repentance.
You see, my friend, under the convicting power of His Word, the Holy Spirit lets the light of the glorious gospel
of God shine into our hearts, giving the glory of Christ Jesus to us, and thereby turning us from darkness to light-taking
us completely out of the kingdom of darkness and putting us into Christ and His kingdom. This is our position in Christ by
virtue of His cross work in us, and this we experience by faith as the Holy Spirit teaches us from His Word. It is then that
we understand by faith those blessed words spoken by our Lord in John 8:36: “If the Son therefore shall make you free,
ye shall be free indeed.” Yes, having been in bondage to sin (yes, its bondslave!), now in salvation in Christ we are
shown by the Holy Spirit through His Word and accept by faith that we have been delivered (freed) by the gospel, which
is the power of God unto salvation.
How is this effected in us and how do we understand this? It is by the operation of the Holy Spirit in our hearts
to work repentance in us, so we stand guilty before God with a hatred for the sins which we have committed against God, and
for the sinner we see ourselves to be before Him. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit through the Gospel that we believe
unto life and know that God, in His mercy and grace, has pardoned our sins, putting them away under His precious blood; and
has given us a new heart and nature, thereby enabling us to now walk in a way of righteousness and true holiness.
What Is the Gospel?
Now, what is the Gospel? The Gospel is the good news that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures
and that He was buried and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures (I Cor 15:3,4). Therefore, based upon this
Gospel, which is Christ Himself and all His work, God can be just in delivering a poor sinner who comes to Him in repentance
and faith, and God counts all that Christ did as if he, the sinner, had performed it-it is because of Christ’s work
and by the power of the Holy Spirit that this deliverance takes place.
Out of free, sovereign grace the sinner is delivered, first, from the condemnation of sin, the penalty of
the law, and the wrath of God, in justification. In Isaiah 42:7: Christ was sent “to open the blind eyes, to bring
out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.” Again, Christ speaking in
Luke 4:18,19 says, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor;
he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to
set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” Again in Romans 8:1 we read, “There
is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.”
Then second, by the power of the true Gospel of the grace of God in Christ Jesus, in salvation there is deliverance
from the power of Satan. This gracious truth is brought out in Colossians 1:13 in these words: God “hath delivered
us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son.” In Hebrews 2:14 we read
that Satan, who had the power of death, has been destroyed for the believer; and that the child of God will never again come
under Satan’s power (I John 5:18).
Third, in salvation by the power of the Gospel the sinner is delivered from the power of sin. Listen again to Romans
6:14,18: “Sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace...Being then made free
from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.” Yes, our living God has once for all delivered us from the slave
market of sin by the shedding of His own precious blood, having obtained eternal redemption for us. Yes, redemption is by
blood and by power. Christ paid the price by His shed blood, and the Holy Spirit makes deliverance actual to our experience
by His power. This is what the Gospel does for us! Therefore we are never again exposed for sale, because we have become children
of God, heirs of the Father, joint-heirs with Christ, and our bodies have become the temple of the Holy Spirit. This is shouting
grounds for praise unto our God!
And fourth, the Gospel by its power gives us a new heart and a new nature so we can now serve God and
walk in a way we never walked before-in a way of righteousness! He causes us to keep His Word! Oh, glorious thought! All of
God’s people have been saved and are safe forever, because of the keeping power of the Holy Spirit who indwells us!
Do you know anything of this gracious Gospel in Christ that sets us free from the power and reign of sin? Or are you
deceived by this false gospel of carnal Christianity that comes by free believism and does not deliver from the power nor
the reign of sin, and is therefore damning to your soul? Away with such a false gospel! Bring in the true Gospel of the grace
of God that comes with its power to break sin in our hearts and lives and causes us to walk in newness of life in the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Study Questions: Lesson 4
First please read chapter 4 in the text.
“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we,
that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized
into His death?
“Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the
dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the
likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with
him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin.” - Rom. 6:1-6
Romans 6:1-6; pages 21 - 22
1. The author explains the meaning of Romans 6:1-6. It
teaches us that as Christ died and rose again from the dead, so also true believers died to sin and have received Christ’s
resurrection power to control sin in their lives. If a person is truly united to Christ in His death and resurrection, he
will bear fruit consistent with his deliverance from sin’s control and dominion.
am the Vine, ye are the branches” - John 15:5
good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit” - Matthew 7:18
In your own words, summarize what the text says that Romans 6:1-6, John 15:5, and Matt. 7:18 teach us?
b. Making It Personal: How do you respond to these
passages personally?
Romans 6:6; pages 22 - 23
2. The opening expression of Romans
6:6 says, “knowing this.” What should we ‘know;’ that is, what does this ‘knowing’ refer
The Holy Spirit Teaches Us; pages
23 - 24
3. Why does the majority of Christendom
not know this deliverance from the power and penalty of sin (and thus continue in a sinful lifestyle of selfishness)?
4. What are the six numbered points
taught by the Holy Spirit which are “so humbling to our flesh?” After each point write the verse reference used
for it.
What Is the Gospel; pages 24
- 26
5. In your own words, what is the
message of the true Gospel (as explained in this section)?
6. What are the four things from which
Christ has delivered His people?