Are we compromising with Satan and sin? When we dont speak up, we are compromising! When we tolerate
false teaching, we are compromising! We we dont stand up for the truth, we are compromising!
Do you think John the
baptist was compromising when he told the king about his adultrey? Or when Jesus told the Jews of their sins calling the Pharisees
& Saducees Liars & Hyprocrites?
We compromise to much with this world, friends, familes, churches, pastors,
and other christians, we are to worried about offending another and pleasing men.
If you truely love someone you would
tell them the truth. Not your truth but the Lord's Truth! To many compromise by hiding their eyes when they see sin instead
of speaking up and rebuking sin before all, that others may fear!
Once a person has expereince the goodness of the
fruit and gifts of the Lord they cannnot continue to compromise with Satan and Sin. It is time to stand up and refuse to be
move from the TRUTH, that makes us freee.
We are living in the days of Noe, Lot and Sodom and Gormorrah. We are seeing
"gay marriages" and homosexual priests, pastors, deacons, bishops behind the
pulpets! And yet we compromise and sit in
the churches and listen to them preach. God Forbid!
We have seen and elected presidents who were adulterers, whoremongers,murderers,
liars, & blashemers and yet after their sins are expose they will serve another term! God Forbid!
The world government
making millions off of alcohol, drugs, cigerettes,pronography, etc. Yet "she" to be of God and for God. If we speak against
this we are told we go against anothers rights of freedom. When we dont speak up we
go against the Lord!
But oh,
America wants to sing "God Bless America?" And talk about how bless she is? America is cursed right along with the rest of
the world and all it's sins!
What freedom? The only freedom anyone will have is through Christ Jesus! The bottom line
is this according to the Word of God...
Your either for Christ or your an antichrist!