True vs. False Conversion
The damage that can be done by a Christian who doesn't understand that there
is such a thing as a false conversion is devastating. If we lack understanding that those who fail to repent, are strangers
to conversion, we are liable to think that simply praying a sinner's prayer, or responding to an altar call gets someone saved.
Jesus said to His disciples when they questioned Him about the Parable of
the Sower, "Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all parables?" (Mark 4:13). In other words, the
Parable of the Sower is the key to unlocking the mysteries of all the other parables.
There are 6 characteristics of the false convert:
1. Immediate results-Mark 4:5
2. Lack of moisture-Luke 8:6
3. No root-Matthew 13:6
4. Receives the word with gladness-Mark 4:6
5. Receives the word with joy-Matthew 13:20
6. They do "believe" for a season-Luke 8:13
James 2:19 says, "You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils
also believe, and tremble." This verse reveals that mere belief – when not accompanied by repentance (Luke 13:3) and
placing one’s faith in Christ (Acts 20:21) – is not sufficient for salvation.
The five fruits of the true convert:
1. Repentance-Matthew 3:8
2. Thanksgiving-Hebrews 13:15
3. Good works-Colossians 1:10
4. Fruit of the Spirit-Galatians 5:22-23
5. Fruit of righteousness-Philippians 1:11
Three things that expose false converts are: 1)tribulation, 2)temptation,
The false convert will be exposed as a hypocrite on Judgment Day -- the wheat
and the tares, etc., will be separated.
We can make sure we are not responsible for bringing false converts into the
Church by making it paramount to preach biblically. That means using the Law to bring a knowledge of sin. It means mentioning
Judgment Day, not casually, but impressing upon the mind of our hearer that he must face a holy God and answer for every sin
he has committed against Him. It also means preaching the Cross and the necessity of repentance. We should shy away from modern
methods where emotions are stirred in an effort to get decisions. We may rejoice over decisions, but Heaven reserves its rejoicing
for repentance.
Matthew 7:15 False Prophets
Mark 13:22 False Christs
2 Corinthians 11:13 False Apostles
Galatians 2:4 False Brethren
2 Peter 2:1 False Teachers